
Jul 12, 2010


CASE STUDYSELF MANAGE TEAM CONCEPTDurga Industries LimitedOBJECTIVE OF CASE STUDYThe major objectives behind taking the project are outlined below. SCOPE: • The purpose of the project is to study the self managed team concept.• What are the limitations & constraint during its realization• How to measure the effectiveness of model? Concept of self-managed teamThe self-managed team or SMT is a special kind of team. It can be highly effective. It can be phenomenally productive. And it is an autonomous entity. An entity with the endurance and power of a machine and the cunning and adaptability of an animal.A SMT isn't just a group of people working together but a genuine collaboration: A team in the true sense of the word. And it is a team which is measured by its results, not the performance of its individual members.• Are more independent than other types of team• Help to flatten organizational structure• Handle intermediate levels of responsibilities.OBJECTIVES OF TRAINING1) To impart basic knowledge and skill to the new entrants and enable them to perform their jobs well.2) To equip the employees to meet the changing requirements of the job and the organization.3) To teach the employees the new techniques and ways of performing the job or operations.4) To prepare the employees for higher level tasks and built up a second line ofcomponent managers. SELF MANAGE TEAM CONCEPTCRITERIA FOR MEASURING TRAINING EFFECTIVENESS:1. Trainee’s reaction towards the objectives:A training program can be evaluated in terms of trainee’s reaction to the objectives, contents and method of training. In case the trainee consider the program worthwhile and like it, the training can be considered effective.2. Extent of learning:The extent to which the trainees have learned desired knowledge and skills during the training period is a useful basis for measuring the training effectiveness.3. Behaviour of trainees:Improvement in job behaviour of trainees reflects the manner and extent to which learning has been applied to job.4. Result of training:The ultimate result in term of productivity improvement, quality improvement, cost reduction, accident reduction, and reduction in labour turn over are the best criteria for evaluating the effectiveness.NEED FOR EVALUATION:It is necessary to evaluate the extent to which training program have achieved the aim for which they were designed. It would provide information effectiveness of training as well as about the design of future training program. It helps to monitor and modifysuch program in future.1. QUESTIONAIRES: Comprehensive questionnaires are used to obtain options, reactions and various views of trainees. A training evaluation form is formed and circulated among all the trainees. The trainees fill in their responses asked in the form. The responses are then analyzed and an evaluation of the training program is done.2. TESTS: Standard tests are used to find out whether trainee has learnt practical aspects of work during and after training or not.3. INTERVIEWS: Personal interviews of the employees are conducted in order to find usefulness of the training offered to operatives.4. STUDIES: Comprehensive studies are carried out eluting the opinions and guidelines of the trainer’s superiors and peer groups about the training.5. FEEDBACK: A feedback report is prepared by evaluation at every stage of training. SELF MANAGE TEAM CONCEPTAREAS OF TRAININGThe areas in which training is offered can be classified into following categories:KNOWLEDGE Employee is taught about a set of rules and regulations about the job and products and services offered by the companyTECHNICAL SKILL Employee is taught a specific skill (e.g. operating a machine)so that he can acquire that skill and contribute meaningfullySOCIAL SKILL Employee is made to learn him and other develop a rightmental attitude towards the job, colleagues and the company.ATTITUDE This involves molding of employee’s attitude towardsvarious on the job situations.QUESTIONNAIRE FOR DATA COLLECTION:AGE :- SBU : - GENDER (M / F):-1. There is an up gradation in my skills during this training program: (a)Strongly agree. (b)Agree(c) Strongly disagree. (d) Disagree. (e) Can’t say.2. I feel confident due to my knowledge enrichment in these 3 months: (a)Strongly agree. (b)Agree(c) Strongly disagree. (d) Disagree. (e) Can’t say.3. My attitude has changed during the training: (a)Strongly agree. (b)Agree(c) Strongly disagree. (d) Disagree. (e) Can’t say.4. The teachers in the institute were effective in communicating their knowledge. (a)Strongly agree. (b)Agree(c) Strongly disagree. (d) Disagree.(e) Can’t say. SELF MANAGE TEAM CONCEPT5. The training aids provided during the training period were sufficient & helpful. (a)Strongly agree. (b)Agree(c) Strongly disagree. (d) Disagree. (e) Can’t say.6. The coordination training was enough:(a)Strongly agree. (b)Agree(c) Strongly disagree. (d) Disagree. (e) Can’t say.7. The time allotted to every subject was enough: (a)Strongly agree. (b)Agree(c) Strongly disagree. (d) Disagree. (e) Can’t say.8. I feel improvements in my communication after the training: (a)Strongly agree. (b)Agree(c) Strongly disagree. (d) Disagree. (e) Can’t say.9. There is improvement in my personality during the training program: (a)Strongly agree. (b)Agree(c) Strongly disagree. (d) Disagree.(e) Can’t SELF MANAGE TEAM CONCEPT1. The perception of SMT’s regarding up gradation of their skills. Strongly GrandGENDER Agreed % Agreed % TotalFemale 13 43.33 0.00 13Male 8 26.67 9 30.00 17Total 21 70.00 9 30.00 30AGE Agreed % StronglyAgreed % GrandTotal18 Years 4 13.33 1 3.33 519 Years 6 20.00 3 10.0 920 Years 4 13.33 2 6.67 621 Years 6 20.00 2 6.67 822 Years 1 3.33 1 3.33 2Total 21 70.00 9 30.00 30 Strongly GrandSBU Agreed % Agreed % TotalMeter 11 36.67 4 13.33 15T & D 10 33.33 5 16.67 15Total 21 70.00 9 30.00 30 SELF MANAGE TEAM CONCEPT2. The perception of SMT’s regarding knowledge enrichment in the 3 months : Strongly Can't Strongly GrandGENDER disagreed % say % Agreed % Agreed % TotalFemale 1 3.33 0.00 10 33.33 2 6.67 13Male 0.00 2 6.67 9 30.00 6 20.00 17Total 1 3.33 2 6.67 19 63.33 8 26.67 30AGEYear Stronglydisagreed % Can'tsay % Agreed % StronglyAgreed % GrandTotal18 0.00 0.00 4 13.3 1 3.33 519 0.00 2 6.67 6 20.0 1 3.33 920 0.00 0.00 4 13.3 2 6.67 621 0.00 0.00 4 13.3 4 13.33 822 1 3.33 0.00 1 3.3 0.00 2Total 1 3.33 2 6.67 19 63.33 8 26.67 30 Strongly Can't Strongly GrandSBU disagreed % say % Agreed % Agreed % TotalMeter 0 0.00 9 30.0 6 20.0 15T & D 1 3.33 2 6.67 10 33.3 2 6.6 15Total 1 3.33 2 6.67 19 63.3 8 26.6 30 SELF MANAGE TEAM CONCEPT3. The perception of SMT’s about change in their attitude in the 3 months: Can't Strongly GrandGENDER say % Agreed % Agreed % TotalFemale 2 6.67% 11 36.67% 0.00% 13Male 2 6.67% 7 23.33% 8 26.67% 17Total 4 13.33% 18 60.00% 8 26.67% 30AGE Can'tsay % Agreed % StronglyAgreed % GrandTotal18 Years 1 3.33% 3 10.00% 1 3.33% 519 Years 0.00% 6 20.00% 3 10.00% 920 Years 0.00% 4 13.33% 2 6.67% 621 Years 3 10.00% 4 13.33% 1 3.33% 822 Years 0.00% 1 3.33% 1 3.33% 2Total 4 13.33% 18 60.00% 8 26.67% 30SBU Can'tsay % Agreed % StronglyAgreed % GrandTotalEnergymeter 2 6.67% 8 26.67% 5 16.67% 15Transformer 2 6.67% 10 33.33% 3 10.00% 15Total 4 13.33% 18 60.00% 8 26.67% 30 SELF MANAGE TEAM CONCEPT4. The perception of SMT’s regarding communication improvement: Strongly GrandGENDER Agreed % Agreed % TotalFemale 11 36.67% 2 6.67% 13Male 15 50.00% 2 6.67% 17Grand Total 26 86.67% 4 13.33% 30AGE Agreed % StronglyAgreed % GrandTotal18 Years 4 13.33 1 3.33 519 Years 8 26.6 1 3.33 920 Years 6 20.00 0.00 621 Years 6 20.00 2 6.67 822 Years 2 6.67 0.00 2Total 26 86.67 4 13.33 30 Strongly GrandSBU Agreed % Agreed % TotalMeter 13 43.33 2 6.67 15T & D 13 43.33 2 6.67 15Total 26 86.67 4 13.33 30 SELF MANAGE TEAM CONCEPT5. The perception of SMT’s regarding adequacy training aids:GENDER Agreed % StronglyAgreed % GrandTotalFemale 8 26.67 5 16.67 13Male 13 43.33 4 13.33 17GrandTotal 21 70.00 9 30.00 30AGE Agreed % StronglyAgreed % GrandTotal18 Years 2 6.67 3 10.00 519 Years 6 20.0 3 10.00 920 Years 4 13.33 2 6.67 621 Years 7 23.33 1 3.33 822 Years 2 6.67 0.00 2Grand Total 21 70.00 9 30.00 30 Strongly SBU Agreed % Agreed % Grand TotalMeter 11 36.67 4 13.33 15T & D 10 33.33 5 16.67 15Grand Total 21 70.00 9 30.00 30 SELF MANAGE TEAM CONCEPT6. The perception of SMT’s regarding co-ordination :GENDER Agreed % StronglyAgreed % GrandTotalFemale 4 13.33 9 30.00 13Male 6 20.00 11 36.67 17Grand Total 10 33.33 20 66.67 30AGE Years Agreed % StronglyAgreed % GrandTotal18 2 6.67 3 10.0 519 2 6.67 7 23.3 920 2 6.67 4 13.3 621 4 13.33 4 13.3 822 0.00 2 6.67 2Grand Total 10 33.33 20 66.6 30 Strongly GrandSBU Agreed % Agreed % TotalMeter 5 16.67 10 33.33 15T & D 5 16.67 10 33.33 15Grand Total 10 33.33 20 66.67 30 SELF MANAGE TEAM CONCEPT7. The perception of SMT’s about time allotted to each subject was enough. Dis- Can't Strongly GrandGENDER agreed % say % Agreed % Agreed % TotalFemale 2 6.67 2 6.67 9 30.00 0.00 13Male 1 3.33 4 13.33 11 36.67 1 3.33 17Total 3 10.00 6 20.00 20 66.67 1 3.33 30AGEYears Dis-agreed % Can'tsay % Agreed % StronglyAgreed % GrandTotal18 0.00 1 3.33 4 13.33 0.00 519 1 3.3 1 3.33 7 23.33 0.00 920 1 3.33 1 3.33 4 13.33 0.00 621 1 3.33 1 3.33 5 16.67 1 3.33 822 0.00 2 6.67 0.00 0.00 2Total 3 10.00 6 20.00 20 66.67 1 3.33 30 Can't Strongly GrandSBU Disagreed % say % Agreed % Agreed % TotalMeter 2 6.67 2 6.67 11 36.67 0.00 15T & D 1 3.33 4 13.33 9 30.00 1 3.33 15Total 3 10.00 6 20.00 20 66.67 1 3.33 30 SELF MANAGE TEAM CONCEPT8. The perception of SMT’s about improvement in their communication. Can't Strongly GrandGENDER say % Agreed % Agreed % TotalFemale 1 3.33 7 23.33 5 16.67 13Male 0.00 12 40.00 5 16.67 17Total 1 3.33 19 63.33 10 33.33 30AGEYears Can'tsay % Agreed % StronglyAgreed % GrandTotal18 0.00 4 13.3 1 3.33 519 1 3.3 4 13.3 4 13.33 920 0.0 4 13.3 2 6.67 621 0.0 5 16.6 3 10.0 822 0.0 2 6.67 0.0 2Total 1 3.33% 19 63.33% 10 33.33% 30SBU Can'tsay % Agreed % StronglyAgreed % GrandTotalMeter 0.00 11 36.67 4 13.33 15T & D 1 3.33 8 26.67 6 20.00 15GrandTotal 1 3.33 19 63.33 10 33.33 30 SELF MANAGE TEAM CONCEPT9. The perception of SMT’s about improvement in their personality. Strongly GrandGENDER Agreed % Agreed % TotalFemale 10 33.4 3 10.0 13Male 11 36.6 6 20.0 17Grand Total 21 70.0 9 30.0 30AGE Agreed % StronglyAgreed % GrandTotal18 Years 4 13.33 1 3.33 519 Years 4 13.33 5 16.67 920 Years 5 16.67 1 3.33 621 Years 6 20.00 2 6.67 822 Years 2 6.67 0.00 2GrandTotal 21 70.00 9 30.00 30SBU Agreed % StronglyAgreed % GrandTotalEnergy meter 11 36.67 4 13.33 15Transformer 10 33.33 5 16.67 15Grand Total 21 70.00 9 30.00 30 SELF MANAGE TEAM CONCEPTFINDING, INFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONIn our research process, the effectiveness of training imparted to the SMT’s is measured on the basis of 10 different parameters. On the basis of data collected on these parameters we found the following results:1.) Skill up gradation:All the SMT’s are either agreed or strongly agreed on this statement.2.) Knowledge enrichment:91% of people are agreed at this point.3.) Attitude change:87% people feel change in their attitude after training.4.) Communication effectiveness of teachers at institute:All SMT’s are satisfied with the teacher’s effectiveness.5.) Content covered:Only 75% SMT’s feel that the whole content was covered during the program.6.) Good training aids :All are agreed at this point.7.) Full co-ordination:All are agreed to this statement.8.) Time adjustment:There were only 73% of people who are easily adjusted with the timing of training program.9.) Knowledge gained & expected knowledge:Only 60% of SMT’s feel that knowledge gained by them & expected knowledge is equal.10.) Proper time allocation to each subject:70% are agreed to this statement.Conclusion:The effectiveness of training imparted to SMT’s measured from the fact that the SMT’s are very well trained on different aspects. It provide them a good learning opportunity, improvement in personality & increasing employability skillFor the company it acts as long term investment in the building of talent pool.

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